PackagingNacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva

Community Potentials

Through the “Community Potentials” program, the European Foundation for Philanthropy and Social Development and the National Foundation for Civil Society Development wants to encourage communities to turn their knowledge and capabilities into the potential of a modern Croatia.
Our task was to show, in a different way, what is the potential and uniqueness of each county. Inspired by the riches of Croatia, we decided to make a unique package of pralines, where each praline has a taste associated with a particular county. Our homeland is full of diversity, and in each county, we found the most common taste and poured it into delicious pralines

When approaching the graphic design, we used simple graphic surfaces, shapes, and lines with irreplaceable cubes to present a rich tradition in a modern, yet corporate-specific way that is in line with the Foundation. We stylized the flavors with simple line illustrations.
Pralines are an original Croatian product. However, they are not only tasty and pleasing to the eye, each also has its origin that is indigenous to the region. From Istrian olives to Međimurje honey, it is difficult for us to decide on our favorite. Which one is yours?

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Cernička 24, Zagreb, Croatia
T +385 1 3014 302

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